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Addiction Counseling

The Homeless and Addiction Recovery

Every substance abuse counselor has probably at one time or another pointed to the “skid row bum” and said, “You don’t have to be like him to be an addict or alcoholic! ” While this type of person may represent only 5% of all addicts, Christians who are in recovery have a lot more in […]

Romantic Relationships in Early Recovery

Why do you say addicts should avoid new relationships with members of the opposite sex in the first year of recovery? A. Avoid losing the focus on personal issues – For addicts, real lasting change occurs only after a long and often painful process of self discovery.   This involves understanding their own addictive behaviors, repressed […]

Moving from Client to Staff Member

Recovery programs hire many program graduates and others who have overcome addictions or have grown up in troubled families.   They can be excellent examples for mission clients and usually have special compassion and understanding for those who are still hurting.   On the other hand, some are hindered in their efforts to minister to others because […]